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about us
With over 18 years of machining experience, DP Custom Works LLC provides high quality machining at an affordable cost to our customers. Our number one priority is to make our customers happy.
We mainly focus on modifying handgun slides. This has been our passion since 2013. Starting out it was more of a hobby but quickly turned into a second job. After about a year we decided to focus on slides and the rest is history.
Please contact us if you have any questions about slide milling, frame work or if you have any questions about a custom job not listed. We also offer other machining needs.
If you have additional questions and/or would rather place your order via email, feel free to send an email and we can discuss options and get the order form emailed to you.

20% OFF!
Are you LEO(active or retired), Military(active or retired) or a Firefighter(active or retired)?
Don't forget to email for the 20% discount code. Please include a photo of your LEO, Military or Firefighter ID or some sort of proof in the email. Please do this before you place your order.